Software Engineer





  • Developed in Unity with a small team, over our final year at university.

  • The team was comprised of three artists and two programmers.

  • This project improved my ability to communicate and work with other disciplines, my task prioritisation, and has given me a lot of ideas for improving my systems in the future.


  • Programming for all three bosses.

  • Setup and implemented boss animators.

  • Implemented boss visual feedback and attack indicators.

  • Implemented smooth material property changes through scripts.

  • Player tile targeting logic.

  • Message bus.

Toad Boss

  • Four unique behaviours.

  • Tongue retracts on hitting the player or a block.

  • Projectiles split into fragments if a normal rock is swallowed.

Centipede Boss

  • Implemented a modified A* algorithm so centipede could path find while avoiding its body parts.

  • Three unique behaviours.

  • Attack sequencing changes with health value to reduce player waiting time.

  • Attacks become less powerful as corresponding body parts are damaged.

Cobra Boss

  • Five unique behaviours.

  • Difficulty increases as its health decreases.

  • Pot shuffle makes a random sequence from five-seven different move types, working across attacks that have two, four and six pots at once.

Tile Targeting

Tile Targeting