Software Engineer

Arcane Waters



Arcane Waters

  • Worked as a freelance developer on a Pixel MMO in Unity, from Dec 2020 - Dec 2022.

  • The team works remotely, from all around the world.

  • This project improved my ability to manage and prioritise between many tasks at once, taught me a lot about networked game development, and gave me experience working on a large, established code base.

Project Contributions

  • Development of networked gameplay features.

  • Implemented art assets provided by artists.

  • Worked in an established code base, extending functionality and fixing bugs.

  • Implemented pvp game modes.

  • Found and fixed a memory leak.

Pvp Game Modes

  • Created pvp games, handling joining of games, assigning of teams, win conditions.

  • Implemented a MMOBA-style game mode, and a Capture the Flag game mode.

  • Implemented structures for pvp: Tower, Shipyard and Base.

  • Implemented scoreboard UI panel, and tower health panel.


  • Aimed skillshot with charge-up.

  • Traversal method for puzzles and exploring.

Sea Mine

  • Explosive barrels detonate when enemies move into range.

  • Explosions chain to other barrels, and push nearby entities.


  • Hook attaches a rope to an enemy entity.

  • Entities can be pulled around, too much tension will break the line.


  • Added ten unique powerups that can be acquired in sea combat, with five possible rarities.

  • All powerups support interaction with one another.

  • Implemented powerup display panel, to show current powerups, and their descriptions.

  • Powerup orbs visually display what powerups an entity has.

Ship Combat

  • Revamped our linear ship attack with improved collision detection, arcing motion, and an aim indicator.

  • Implemented special ship abilities with unique aiming and firing styles.

  • Implemented knockback and vacuum projectile effects.

  • Added a dash ability allowing the user to dodge enemy attacks, with an extra speed boost if well-timed.

  • Added functionality and icons for the status effects: Slowed, Stunned and Burning.

  • Implemented aiming method for AI ships, which will attempt to follow the player, but not lock on to them, can be dodged if well-timed.

Combat Colliders

  • Felt colliders were inaccurate in sea combat, so investigated our current system.

  • Colliders were being auto-generated from the shape of the ship’s sprite.

  • Updated colliders to match the shape of the ship’s base, to avoid situations where enemy attacks are hitting the ship’s sails, and other weird collisions.


  • Implemented Farming, Mining and Trading perk tree effects.

  • Set up systems to award players with items after selecting perks.

  • Set up systems to remove perk-awarded items when perks are reset.

Guild Map

  • Added ability to create a shared ‘home’ area belonging to your guild.

  • Added shared guild farm plots.

  • Expanded farming mechanics to work with multiple people present.

Auto-complete Panel

  • UI panel shows possible auto-completes for chat commands.

  • Commands have tooltips, and can have auto-complete options for parameters.

  • Commands are auto-filled when selected.


  • Allows players to interact with a farm plot by simply running over it with the correct tool equipped.

  • Speeds up and simplifies the farming process for users who want it.

Revamped Spider Webs

  • Allowed webs to bounce the player to any destination location, with the ‘animation’ adapted dynamically.

  • Allowed webs to be ‘linked’, so if their destination is on another web, the player will bounce across them back-to-back.